My 2021 in Music

I came across this really cool visualisation on Observable by Sahil Chinoy and I wondered what my own data would look like. Same deal, each dot is one stream, mouse over to see the same track and the same artist, or search to highlight a specific artist. You can also stack the dots to view in sequential order. Data is from my own Spotify personal data, you can request your own here.

It's sparser than I imagined. I thought I'd listened to more music last year. Also judging by the clumpiness I've been skipping a lot, which I need to cut down on! In my defence I did spend a lot of time listening to tracks as part of The Death of the Song Intro project I was working on throughout the year, so if anything cheesy has found its way here then that's the official line I'm taking 🤥. This also explains the amount of plays of I Wanna Be Adored by The Stone Roses around Christmas time.

There weren't any real revelations. Mogwai were on heavy rotation, As the Love Continues was probably my record of the year. Lots of Hans Zimmer and Max Richter which helped me focus at work. No surprise to see lots of Manic Street Preachers listens (fave band). A lot of Fontaines D.C, IDLES, Pillow Queens, Sleaford Mods (fave new/new(ish) bands), old classics that I'm always revisiting (Sea Power, Smiths, Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, Low, Run The Jewels, Radiohead), and you can also see that I have a penchant for listening to Ricky Gervais podcasts at night, which seems weird as Ricky's laugh could possibly awaken the dead, but hey it works for me.